Joy? During Lent?
Joy isn't just a fleeting emotion. It's not dependent on circumstances. True Christian joy is a deep, resilient, and God-given force of the Christian life. Real joy isn't superficial or escapist; it's a joy that coexists with sorrow, acknowledges suffering, and finds its roots in God's love and the promise of redemption.
Lent is also often misunderstood. It is commonly viewed solely as a season of somber reflection and self-denial. But this season of fasting from things that we turn to as an escape can open the door for us to be present to our relationship with God and others. What if this Lent could be the gateway to deeper joy?
The invitation for our church this Lent is to fast from distractions so we can feast on joy!
What is Lent? Lent is a 40-day season in the church calendar leading up to Easter, modeled after Jesus’ 40 days fasting in the desert, in which people create space in their lives for intentional prayer, fasting, repentance and being with God. It begins Ash Wednesday and ends Holy Saturday (the day before Easter).
New to Lent? Click HERE for an explainer.
Lent is also often misunderstood. It is commonly viewed solely as a season of somber reflection and self-denial. But this season of fasting from things that we turn to as an escape can open the door for us to be present to our relationship with God and others. What if this Lent could be the gateway to deeper joy?
The invitation for our church this Lent is to fast from distractions so we can feast on joy!
What is Lent? Lent is a 40-day season in the church calendar leading up to Easter, modeled after Jesus’ 40 days fasting in the desert, in which people create space in their lives for intentional prayer, fasting, repentance and being with God. It begins Ash Wednesday and ends Holy Saturday (the day before Easter).
New to Lent? Click HERE for an explainer.
Lent Resources
-Pick up paper copies of The Road to Joy devotional at church!
-Download the Lent Guide for Kids & Parents
-Download the Lent Guide for Kids & Parents
holy week @ dcv
Palm Sunday | April 13, 10:15 a.m. — Special Sunday morning service with palm branches, remembering when Jesus rode into Jerusalem to shouts of "Hosanna!"
Holy Monday | April 14, 7-8 p.m. — First Community Meal and food pantry
Holy Tuesday through Maundy Thursday — Community groups will offer Holy Week activities and practices
Good Friday | April 18, 7-8 p.m. — Join us for a Good Friday tenebrae service. We will remember the final hours of Jesus’ life by reading through selections from the Gospels together. There will be space for reflection, worship and receiving Communion during the service.
Easter Sunday | April 20, 10:15 a.m. — He is risen! Let’s celebrate!
Holy Monday | April 14, 7-8 p.m. — First Community Meal and food pantry
Holy Tuesday through Maundy Thursday — Community groups will offer Holy Week activities and practices
Good Friday | April 18, 7-8 p.m. — Join us for a Good Friday tenebrae service. We will remember the final hours of Jesus’ life by reading through selections from the Gospels together. There will be space for reflection, worship and receiving Communion during the service.
Easter Sunday | April 20, 10:15 a.m. — He is risen! Let’s celebrate!