Welcome to DCV!
Sunday Services, 10:15 a.m.
32 Troy Rd. Delaware, OH 43015
32 Troy Rd. Delaware, OH 43015
We’re so glad you found us! Delaware City Vineyard is a place where everyone is welcome, can meet Jesus and engage in life-giving community. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory.

We are a church community focused on Jesus, empowered by the Spirit, and called to love and serve the city of Delaware.
What To Expect
Visiting a new church can be an exciting, uncertain and even intimidating experience. There can be habits and practices, words and phrases that others seem to know but not you. To help you feel prepared, here is some of what you can expect on a typical Sunday morning:
Worship | This is the word we use to describe the musical portion of our service where we praise and connect with God. Some people will close their eyes and sing songs that are familiar. Others will need the projected lyrics. Some people will also demonstrate their worship physically – clapping, opening their hands or raising their hands. Some will sing the exact lyrics, while others may deviate from the songs. But here’s what you should notice – we are singing songs to God, not just about God. God is the focus of our worship.
Ministry Time | This is a time of response at the end of worship when we invite people to receive prayer. For many who are new, this is the part of our service that can be the most unfamiliar. We believe God is always present and at work, and this is a space for us to notice what He is doing and partner with Him in that work through prayer. Along the way, we try our best to explain what we are doing and why and also provide opportunities to practice and learn how to pray with and for others.
Message | This time includes our announcements, a message from a passage in the Bible and a time of response. Most commonly, we select a book of the Bible and take our time working through the entire book over the course of several weeks. Sometimes we have a topical or seasonal sermon series. We hope you’ll be encouraged, challenged and supported in your walk with Jesus through the messages.
Communion | We regularly receive Communion. We know that whenever we eat the bread and drink the cup, we "proclaim the Lord's death until He comes" (1 Cor. 11:26). We practice an open table, so you don't need to be a member of DCV to share in Communion. We believe Jesus meets us in a special way when we receive Communion together.
Family Ministry | Our classrooms are a place for children to connect with God, adult leaders and each other. Our nursery and toddler classes open at 10:05 a.m. to allow time to help your little one get settled before heading into service. Caring leaders introduce babies and toddlers to God's love by creating a safe, comfortable atmosphere. Beginning at two years, your child will experience Bible stories, videos, and structured activities that help them begin to learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Preschool to 5th grade children are checked in by a parent or guardian in the lobby, join service for worship and then head back to class. School-age children rotate through stations (Story/Study, Create/Craft, Game/Play) in age specific groups (Preschool, K-2nd, and 3rd-5th).
Youth Groups | In addition to weekly youth group meetings, our middle school and high school students regularly serve together in various roles on Sunday mornings. We have found that our youth benefit from having a place to connect with peers throughout the week in addition to the rhythm of attending Sunday Service with friends and family. Click HERE to connect with our Middle School Group and HERE to connect with our High School Group.
Worship | This is the word we use to describe the musical portion of our service where we praise and connect with God. Some people will close their eyes and sing songs that are familiar. Others will need the projected lyrics. Some people will also demonstrate their worship physically – clapping, opening their hands or raising their hands. Some will sing the exact lyrics, while others may deviate from the songs. But here’s what you should notice – we are singing songs to God, not just about God. God is the focus of our worship.
Ministry Time | This is a time of response at the end of worship when we invite people to receive prayer. For many who are new, this is the part of our service that can be the most unfamiliar. We believe God is always present and at work, and this is a space for us to notice what He is doing and partner with Him in that work through prayer. Along the way, we try our best to explain what we are doing and why and also provide opportunities to practice and learn how to pray with and for others.
Message | This time includes our announcements, a message from a passage in the Bible and a time of response. Most commonly, we select a book of the Bible and take our time working through the entire book over the course of several weeks. Sometimes we have a topical or seasonal sermon series. We hope you’ll be encouraged, challenged and supported in your walk with Jesus through the messages.
Communion | We regularly receive Communion. We know that whenever we eat the bread and drink the cup, we "proclaim the Lord's death until He comes" (1 Cor. 11:26). We practice an open table, so you don't need to be a member of DCV to share in Communion. We believe Jesus meets us in a special way when we receive Communion together.
Family Ministry | Our classrooms are a place for children to connect with God, adult leaders and each other. Our nursery and toddler classes open at 10:05 a.m. to allow time to help your little one get settled before heading into service. Caring leaders introduce babies and toddlers to God's love by creating a safe, comfortable atmosphere. Beginning at two years, your child will experience Bible stories, videos, and structured activities that help them begin to learn that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. Preschool to 5th grade children are checked in by a parent or guardian in the lobby, join service for worship and then head back to class. School-age children rotate through stations (Story/Study, Create/Craft, Game/Play) in age specific groups (Preschool, K-2nd, and 3rd-5th).
Youth Groups | In addition to weekly youth group meetings, our middle school and high school students regularly serve together in various roles on Sunday mornings. We have found that our youth benefit from having a place to connect with peers throughout the week in addition to the rhythm of attending Sunday Service with friends and family. Click HERE to connect with our Middle School Group and HERE to connect with our High School Group.