The pathway
First Steps
The Christian life is often described as a journey. It's a journey with Jesus, learning how to spend time with Him, become like Him, and do the stuff He did. At DCV, we believe the discipleship journey is not linear and not prescribed. But as a church, we have curated gatherings, events, groups, and ministries that help us become more like Jesus together. We like to think of our discipleship pathway in terms of first steps, next steps, and ongoing steps. Depending on season of life or where you are in your spiritual journey, your next step might look different than someone else's. The important thing is you keep going in your journey following Jesus!
Are you new to faith? New to our church? These first steps will help you discover what life with Jesus is all about and what is unique about DCV.
Sunday mornings
Sunday mornings are the core gathering for Delaware City Vineyard. We gather at 10:15 am every Sunday to worship together, sit under the teaching of Scripture, pray for one another, and receive Communion.
Lunch on us
If you are a first-time guest, join us on a Sunday morning and we will give you a gift bag full of information about our church, along with a coupon for a free pizza from Jet's. Enjoy lunch on us!
Lunch with us
If you’re new, newer, or not connected to DCV and would like to learn more, you’re invited to join for a Connect Lunch. It's a time for us to share a meal, have space for you to ask questions, receive information about getting connected, meet the pastors and learn a little about DCV. We hope you'll join us!
Next Steps
Have you been coming to DCV for a while? Are you looking to grow deeper friendships at the church and go deeper in your life with God? We have a number of classes that will connect you with other people who are looking to do the same.
Discovering Community
Are you new or new-ish to DCV? Have you been here for a while but desire to find deeper community? Discovering Community is for you. In this six-week course, you will get to know other people new to the church and learn how to grow in relationship with Jesus, how to be a vital part of our community, and how to reach out and serve those around you. After the course is over, the group often launches into a small group.
Do you have questions, doubts, or curiosity about faith? Alpha is an open and informal conversation about life, spirituality, and the person of Jesus without judgement or pressure. Join us for a meal and low-key but deep conversation about the big questions in life.
Emotionally Focused Intensive
The Emotionally Focused Foundation Weekend is a two-day intensive experience that invites participants to an integrated missional life by embracing a new “mental model” of discipleship.
We seek to describe and help participants recognize the obstacles to the abundant life Jesus offers. Childhood wounds, unmet needs, and vows you have made that block your connection to God can be healed. Watch our website for information on the next weekend intensive!
We seek to describe and help participants recognize the obstacles to the abundant life Jesus offers. Childhood wounds, unmet needs, and vows you have made that block your connection to God can be healed. Watch our website for information on the next weekend intensive!
Ongoing Steps
As you continue to follow Jesus and walk with fellow believers, you will realize there are certain practices you never outgrow. Things like praying, reading the Bible, and worship are crucial. But there are also communal practices, like small groups and serving that are equally vital for growing in your discipleship to Jesus.
Small groups
Want to get more connected at DCV? Want to cultivate deeper friendships that bring you joy and build you up in your faith? Get connected with one of our small groups. For a current list of groups, click HERE.
FEED Delaware
One aspect of our discipleship to Jesus is learning to do the stuff He did. Jesus spent time feeding the hungry, blessing the poor, and remembering the forgotten.
When you serve at FEEDDelaware, DCV's food pantry, you are feeding the hungry and welcoming the stranger in the way Jesus taught (Matthew 25).
When you serve at FEEDDelaware, DCV's food pantry, you are feeding the hungry and welcoming the stranger in the way Jesus taught (Matthew 25).
Alicia's Closet
Discipleship is becoming like Jesus and learning to do the things he did. Jesus loved children and welcomed them.
DCV partners with Alicia's Closet, a support group for foster families in Delaware, providing meeting space and support. You can get involved by providing meals for the families and providing childcare during their monthly support group meetings. To get involved, contact Jenn Caeton.
DCV partners with Alicia's Closet, a support group for foster families in Delaware, providing meeting space and support. You can get involved by providing meals for the families and providing childcare during their monthly support group meetings. To get involved, contact Jenn Caeton.
Practicing the Presence
God has given each of us spiritual gifts. At DCV, we emphasize that as disciples, we should "eagerly desire" gifts of the Spirit (1 Cor. 14:1). Practicing the Presence nights are opportunities to learn about and practice Holy Spirit ministry
As we grow in our discipleship to Jesus, we become like Him in generosity — giving of our time, talent, and treasure. To learn more about our vision for giving and how to give to DCV, click HERE.